Logo Collier's Photographic History of the European War

Photogallery of pictures from The Great War (World War I)

Collier's Photographic History of the European War - Click to ENTER!
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All these photos have been scanned, in good faith, from Collier's Photographic History of the European War, 1916 NY by Collier & Sons, with elapsed copyright, which, for the purpose of this gallery, means that a period of 70 years has passed from the original copyright date. While every effort has been made to ensure that the photos presented here are in the public domain, it is strongly suggested that you attempt to obtain permission from the original copyright holder before using any of these images for commercial purposes. Images marked as property of Mr.Rogers are from personal archive of Mr.Frank Rogers, 94th Aero Squadron - American Expeditionary Forces.

Any comments please send to arkady@arkady.cz(Design & Tech) or rogersmb@notes.udayton.edu(Pictures Source)
